Friday, December 02, 2011

Revamping and rewriting

So, here is the first, official entry from the revitalized blog that is mine!

Life has been crazy for November - I participated in NaNoWriMo for the very first time! If you've never heard of this, and you like 30 days of non-stop writing and panicking as you fall behind, along with euphoric highs as you hit the minimum of 50,000 words, check out It's also an absolute blast, and I've met some great people here in the Vancouver area, both in person and online in the IRC chat. I didn't make the minimum, so I didn't 'win' as it were, but I'm sticking to my story that it's all my computer's fault. And I have the convenient, and very real, excuse that it died four days, and only 10,000 words, before the cutoff date. I'm still waiting to get my computer back (thank God for slow work days!) but apparently the story I was working on, and all my pictures from my trips over the last couple of years, are safe.

As well, I've bounced from the great job I was at in University Advancement, to a couple days typing out recordings for the University Senate meeting, to working in Student Development. Such is the life of a temp, I suppose! I'm longing for stability, though, so hopefully one of these interviews I've been on lately will end up panning into something permanent sooner, rather than later!

And, since this blog started out to do with travel, I will mention that my friend and I are starting to plan our holidays - and it's been a long time since I've been so excited about a trip! We're hoping to hit both Wales and the Cinque Terre of Italy, both such gorgeous places, for different reasons. Cue frantic saving on my part, because this is going to be so amazing! I'll post more details as things start getting firmed up!

Ciao for now, have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Wynn Bexton said...

Bravo! Keep it up. I'll be looking forward to reading more of your blogs.