Saturday, January 07, 2012

New Year, new.....what, exactly?

Well, it has been a while since my last post, and I'll just blame it on the holidays. Never mind that I had nearly two weeks off from work; I spent those either drinking or sleeping. Or sleeping off the drinking I'd done the day before. Whichever, it was a blissfully lazy time, with food, drink, family and friends that would only have been made better if we were living somewhere hot and could have done the eating, drinking and sleeping in the sunshine.

Here, for example....

But now it's back to reality. And reality includes keeping up my writing goals - including this blog. Also, now that I've had a bit of a break from it, I'm returning to my story from NANO and working on making it something that doesn't suck. Re-reading through some of this speed, not quality, writing that I did is actually making me cringe, but that's OK. I'm easily seeing how it can get better, which bodes well for the success of this creature actually seeing the light of day in terms of critiquing and (dare I hope) publishing! I'm lucky that I have lots of fellow reader and writer friends, who will give me feedback in both technical and artistic ways.

Of course, this time of year is all about the resolutions and new starts that people intend to make, and I'm no exception. I've already started shedding some pounds, due to the medical establishment finally giving me the diagnosis for an illness that I told them a year ago I had. Treatment is working wonders both energy and weight-wise, and of course, with less weight for a petite frame to have to pull around, comes more energy to burn off more pounds. So I'm starting the new year ahead of the game in that respect. Another resolution is also a continuation from last year, which I'm working on at this moment - writing every day. Off to a slow start in this so far, as this is the first day I've written this year, but if I can keep it up I'll actually have a completed and edited novel by this time next year. And that is exciting stuff for this girl!

That's all in terms of resolutions - continuing to improve upon decisions that happened last year and making them, and myself, even better. 2012 is going to be a rocking year, this is not a difficult realization. I've got some great travelling lined up with my fave travelling partner, more energy and more earning power than I had last year and everything is coming up roses. I'm excited to see how plans go, and what I succeed at and fail at (because failure is a part of life, no matter how we fight against it, it does happen!), and where I'll be 360 days from now. That's the truly exciting thing in life!